Service Bodies-Standard or Custom-J & J Fabricating & Trailers, Inc. Can Help

DuraMag Aluminum Service Bodies-All Aluminum Construction-Fully Welded


No Bolts

DuraMag Bodies are welded, not bolted together.

Lighter in weight than steel. Higher corrosion resistance, increasing the life of your service bed.

C-Tech Manufacturing drawer cabinets are an available option for your service body.

J & J Fabricating & Trailers, Inc. workbench bumpers are an available option. Available in 18” or 24” with under bumper lockable storage, Vortex sprayed, rear hitch and grip steps.

Luverne grip steps are a great option for your service truck.

Contact J & J Fabricating & Trailers, Inc. today for your service body needs. 304-255-1441 or e-mail,